Wecome to Christine Falk - Pen in Hand

Here you will find up to date news and information about my writing including excerpts from my novel, poetry, articles and reveiws.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Filling the Page

If the idea of writing your own story sounds like a big task I am here to help you break down the process. The process begins with your concept; what you want to say. From there you can sketch out an outline or time line, I recommend looking at it in ten year segments, what highlight happened in each decade of your life. Once you have thought those parts through the structure and fill will come much easier.
In regards to my own projects the next novel is really beginning to feel like it is coming together now. I have just today completed chapter 15. There is a process, as in any writing, to conceptualize, out-line, structure and then fill. Paragraph by paragraph and chapter by chapter scenes and characters are developing and feeding into one-another. I can’t wait to get to the end and to introduce readers to the personalities and places and the story they will tell. I am moving on to the next chapter and then the next.
For some this all may seem like a great task but for me I truly enjoy the telling of stories. Weather the story is short or long, truth or fiction I enjoy assembling the memorable stories as they appear on the page.

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