Wecome to Christine Falk - Pen in Hand

Here you will find up to date news and information about my writing including excerpts from my novel, poetry, articles and reveiws.

Monday, 10 February 2014

My Valentine

This morning I spent time with associates going over corporate by-laws; very structured and dry. This evening I spent time with poets sharing our creative articulations and linguistic variances; fluid and intimate. In between those polarities I was driving and listening to a favorite and well worn disc titled Sally's Dream; lyrical and graceful. It is by the tedium of the first experience that I am fully bathed in the glory and joy that comes from the musical second and the poetic third.
Oh how I do love the expansive play of words and the rythmic sensuality of their understood ability to transform; the moment, the day, the life. Here is my love letter to all who love language, poetry, and song.

Write Words
Let us write words in ways that are full of desire;
strong and hungry and deeper than darkness.
Let our souls share secrets that our lips can not know.
I want to touch so much of you with printings and passages.

I want to be the winner of something now,
A red ribbon at the circus, the white of the candle flame, your kiss.
Be my moon, as blue as the birth of her greatest loss
and like my moon invisible and ever present.

Let me find victory in the ways you trace my palm
and I shall caress your needs with my supple lettering.
Let us write words in ways that are full of desire.
Let us be lovers of the page.


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