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Friday, 14 March 2014

Something To Share

The journals you decide to write and share do not have to be your full life story. A fun and creative project might be the memories from a special event like an anniversary or the planning details of a special celebration.
If you are the organizer for a special family event, such as your family’s yearly New Year's Day Holiday get together, putting together a journal of the event is a fun way to involve the entire family or share traditions from one generation to the next. You might include favourite recipes and photo as well as details about special decorations or traditional activities. Creating a book about special events is a wonderful way of remembering the past as well as carrying on cherished customs into new eras.
Writing and journaling can be a fun collaborative effort that includes generations of joyful times for you and your family and who wouldn’t wish to share a special book to retell the family holiday story.

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