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Monday, 24 March 2014

Writing a Personal Mission Statement. Your Mission, should you choose to….

Life is hard. Well not always, but sometimes people would rather not focus on the hard parts. It is those hard parts however that generally generate personal growth and that teach life lessons which become foundations for who we are and what we believe and hold sacred as personal truths. A written legacy of your life need not be about all the hard parts but rather can be about personal growth and individual philosophy. This is a life affirmation exercise; a personal manifesto. If you feel strongly about something write it down; government, faith, family, community, or individuality.
A mission statement is what matters to you and why it matters. Think of it as a Jerry Maguire type layout of what is right, what is wrong, and how to move on in life. “The Things We Think and Do Not Say” titles Jerry Maguire’s mission statement. A mission statement can be a liberating work to pen. Perhaps not recommended as a company wide corporate memo (such is the case with fictional charactor Jerry Maguire) but a foundation for the legacy you create in your life. It’s all about the real and true you.



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