Wecome to Christine Falk - Pen in Hand

Here you will find up to date news and information about my writing including excerpts from my novel, poetry, articles and reveiws.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Leaving this City Life (brief reprieve)

For all grand plans and hopes to accomplish some sort of completion on many of those things on my to-do list here I sit trying to get even one thing to the finish line. I reluctantly learn that no matter how long I am in this body or how well I think I know this body it still can surprise me and that the distance between feeling a little ill and horribly ill is not very far. I am now on the mend of course save the weighty burden of things left undone until this, the last minute as it were.
Last minute news;
I am excitedly getting ready for the book sale at the Rycroft Municipal Library this Saturday. I will be at the library from 1:30 until 5:30 on Saturday May 31st with my books “Unremarkable In Light” and ‘First and Jasper” for sale. I hope to see many friends and of course my dear family. For the most part the rest of that to-do list will have to wait until I get back to Edmonton next week.
Those unable to attend may always contact me here with comment or request books to be sent out to them via Canada Post. Payments are accepted through the easy PayPal link, through on-line banking, or old school with a checque in the mail. As always I welcome your comments, good and kind, and am open to feedback from my readers.
Peace always;

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